About us

Permanent table of public administrations and stakeholders operating in the electric mobility sector

The committees

Organizing Committee


The Chamber of Commerce Milan Monza Brianza Lodi is a public company with operational independence. Its aim is fostering the development of the business system and entrepreneurial interests in a targeted geographic area (metropolitan area of Milan, provinces of Monza-Brianza and Lodi). Based on subsidiarity principle, it supports and promotes enterprises, assisting in administrative functions, too.

For additional information check the website:www.milomb.camcom.it


It is a national multi-utility company, active in production, distribution and sale of electricity, gas, environmental services and energy efficiency, electric mobility and smart city services.

More information: a2a.eu

ATM S.p.A.

ATM S.P.A. It is the public company owned by the municipality of Milan administering and managing public transport in the Lombardy capital. It manages 4 metro lines, 20 tram lines, 4 trolley lines and 158 bus lines in the municipality of Milan and in 51 municipalities of the metropolitan area.

More information: atm.it


Class stands for “Sustainable Development Committee”, which is the environmentalist association that strongly wanted the birth of E_mob. It is specialized in electric mobility and shares its know-how with companies who want to develop and improve this Sector. Active in dissemination of environmentalist themes especially with public administration. Through specific agreements it offers services for electric car owners

More information:classonlus.it


Enel X is the Enel Group’s company that develops innovative solutions in areas where energy shows the greatest potential for transformation: homes, enterprises, cities, electric mobility.

More information: enelx.com

Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane

The FS Italiane Group is one of the largest industrial companies in the country, at the center of the Italian mobility system.

More informations: fsitaliane.it


Innovatec is a group that for over 60 years has been committed to making our economy more sustainable, promoting the ecological transition with the management of the circular economy, the promotion of energy efficiency, investment in renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic, wind and biogas. An “effective and capable of looking to the future” group.

More informations: www.innovatec.it



It is Milan’s agency for transport and environment, born in 2000. It realizes field testing and monitoring, it processes datas, develops models and simulations, feasibility studies, provides comparisons with international experiences, elaborates planning and programming tools, and guarantees to the municipal Administration the necessary support also in the implementation phase.

Maggiori informazioni:amat-mi.it

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With 350 associate companies, ANFIA – National Association of Automotive Industry – is one of the largest trade association in CONFINDUSTRIA Born in 1912, for over a hundred years it’s aim is to represent the interests of associate companies towards national and international public institutions, providing studies and solutions on technical, economic, fiscal and legal issues in automotive industry.

More information: anfia.it/it/

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ANIE Federation is one of the largest trade organizations in the Confindustria system in terms of weight, size and representativeness. 1,500 companies in the sector join ANIE electrical and electronic. The sector employs 500,000 people with an aggregate turnover (at the end of 2019) of 84 billion euros. The associated companies, suppliers of cutting-edge technological systems and solutions, are an expression of the technological excellence of Made in Italy, the result of important annual investments in Research and Innovation.

Maggiori informazioni: anie.it/


This company is entirely owned by the Chamber of commerce of Milan Monza Brianza and Lodi, born from the Union of ex-Experimental Stations of paper, textiles, fuels, oils, fats industrial fields. Their Laboratories carry outmany activities like: analysis, technical assistance, certification, applied research, technical and scientific advice, training, standardization.

More infos: innovhub-ssi.it



Its aim is to promote transition from the traditional transport model to massive adoption of zero-emission vehicles. MOTUS-E was born by the drive of industrial, academic and voluntary sector together.

More information: motus-e.org


“Research on the Energy System” is an Italian subsidiary stock company, runned by the Manager Of Energy Services, for the development of research activities in the electro-energetic sector, in particular for national strategic projects.

More information: rse-web.it


Consumer and Environment Advocacy Association, It is promoted by CISL in 1987 and recognized by law. Its purpose is to fight against all the abuses that damage consumers like misleading advertising, unfair practices, deception, etc. so they all get their rights recognized.

More infos: adiconsum.it


The Confederation of Transport and Services Association is the group representing the interests of the transport and services field in the Confindustria system.

More information: agens.it


Amsa (Milan Company for Environmental Services) is a company belonging to A2A group, which manages the collection and disposal of municipal waste in the city of Milan and some other municipalities in the Metropolitan Area of Milan.

More infos: amsa.it


It is the trade union association of cycles and motorcycles producers, of all vehicles with 2 and 3 wheels, quadricycles and all the accessories connected to them. Its goal is to promote these vehicles spread and to solve problem connected to the dissemination of this kind of transport.

More information: ancma.it


Utilitalia is the Federation that brings together Companies operating in the public services of Water, Environment, Electricity and Gas. It offers assistance, updates and training services, as well as consultancy activities on contractual, regulatory, managerial, fiscal and legal aspects.

More information: utilitalia.it

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Milan Order of Engineers
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Tel: + 39 02 2720 8182-Fax: +39 02 2720 1315- info@classonlus.it

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