action documents and direction for electric mobility

sustainible mobility

Recent advances are soon showing ever better performing electric vehicles, which outline new mobility scenarios capable of improving air quality, reducing polluting emissions, climate-changing emissions, favoring energy efficiency and the use of energy renewable sources and reducing fossil fuel imports. However, the spread of electric mobility requires the removal of some barriers and the adoption of temporary measures that encourage this transition.

Unitary documents

Actions and addresses for electric mobility

We want to help eliminate inefficiency or unnecessary travel through integrated urban planning, better management of transport demand and an effective communication system. We explain how to orient users towards more efficient and more sustainable travel methods, also capable of aggregating the mobility demands of multiple people. We want to encourage the gradual adoption of highly autonomous electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles and the creation of an important charging network that ensures their operation and reduces range anxiety.



For subscriber municipalities who want to promote sustainable mobility.

Urban mobility represents a factor of growth and employment, as well as an indispensable prerequisite for a sustainable development policy. The European Commission adopted in 2011 the “White Paper: roadmap towards a single European transport area; for a competitive and sustainable transport policy” with the aim of promoting the debate on the major themes and critical issues of mobility and seeking, in collaboration with all interested parties, effective and viable solutions for the development of sustainable mobility systems.

Download the document (.docx) and fill in the parts of interest.


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