Metropolitan Chart

The innovation of electric transport is starting from our cities.

sustainible mobility

The Metropolitan Chart of Electric Mobility is a guide document conceived during E_mob edition 2017 with the aim of involving and educating cities and municipalities towards a more sustainable and clean mobility.

Why to adopt it

Many municipalities want to improve electric transport, but few of them have the expertise to do it. By joining the community, you’ll be informed on all the activities, to get all the informations on the subject.


The first cities who’ve subscribed and adopted the Metropolitan Chart of Electric Mobility

Membership models

Membership model

Subway card membership form for municipalities, editable in Word according to needs.

Cover letter about the purposes of the Chart

Addressed to mayors, to be attached to the request for membership of the Metropolitan Electric Mobility Charter.


Unitary documents

The spread of increasingly high-performance electric mobility requires important actions that encourage this transition.


If you’re a member of a subscriber public institution, you can now fill in the questionnaire about transport in your city.

Contacted Municipalities

All the memberships who signed for change

We reached all the majors and city council members of all the ciies with more than 20.000 inhabitants.

Members (updated September 2021)

Main players

Subscribers cities represents now 1/5 of the whole population in Italian territory, and more are subscribing. Go to the list

List of participating municipalities from January 2021 (updated February 2021)

municipalities signatory to the 2021 electric mobility metropolitan charter

List of subscriber from January 2020

signatories of the 2020 electric mobility metropolitan charter

List of subscribers in 2018/2019

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CLASS Onlus Committee for Environment and Sustainable Development. Non-profit Association. Via Einaudi, 1-20093 Cologno Monzese (MI)-CF: 97365930151-P. IVA: 05435000962

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sustainible mobility
municipalities signatory to the 2021 electric mobility metropolitan charter
signatories of the 2020 electric mobility metropolitan charter